03 March 2014

Toni, Iceland: A Picture is Worth a Photographers Life

New place - new faces. Last week I started to work at Birtíngur (http://birtingur.is/) which is the largest magazine publishing company in Iceland. Birtíngur publishes 7 different magazines targeted to different groups. I work with two other photographers and first days just followed them and watched what they did, but at the end of the week did two shootings myself - a member of the parliament and a guy who has made Icelandic voice overs on many animations e.g Monsters Inc, Hercules. Both are gonna be published in Séð og Heyrt which is a weekly entertainment magazine.

During the weekend rented a car again and went back to Glymur (the tallest waterfall). Went all the way up this time and enjoyed the emptiness and view from there. Couldn't get a good shot of the waterfall though. After that I visited the normal tourist attractions i.e. Geysyr, Þingvellir and Gullfoss. The Golden Circle as the route is called was OK, but more interesting was the behavior of other photographers. Especially at Gullfoss some photographers really risked their lives to get a "better" point of view - although the light was not that good and in many cases the same picture could have been taken in more safer place.

And the pictures...

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