12 April 2014

Pavel – Barcelona week 1

 I arrived at the Barcelona after 4 hour flight on Sunday evening. Weather was rainy and more colder than I was expecting. The apartment was found easily near the main tourist street La Rambla. Our new home is in Raval, which is near everything.

During evening walk I check the location of studio http://www.diazwichmann.com. It is only few blocks away from apartment.

On Monday morning I met Rodrigo, the owner of the studio and his team.
The start was full of new things, on Monday we had a big shootings for tv-commercial. There was not much time to get known the places or people, I was dropped straight to the action! We start the day by doing preparations for shooting. The product was Unilever's bobble bath soap Moussel. The shootings were made in luxury apartment in centre of city, were we have build the studio for that day. Here is some mobile phone pictures from that day.

The shootings were pretty big, there was about 25 people including our people from studio, models, make up artists, people from the Unilever.. From the studio we had four people, Rodrigo as a director and photographer,  Sean, who was responsible for editing and Edu and me who were responsible for the lighting, set ups, bubbles etc..

It was nice to see how everything works. I have never had so many kisses from women!
It was a long day and I finally get home about 7.30 pm.

On first week I got to known the studio. It is a wide space in the old building with three different parts of the room: a entry hall with a small kitchen, and which is also used when having make up, a studio space and last the editing space.

Wednesday I had a day off. Me and my wife went to Alimentaria, a great food and drink- industry exhibit in Barcelona. The exhibit was only for the professionals and there was a great varioty of products, producers, manufactures (about 4000 different).. For example, there was the most awarded spanish chefs having a live cooking shows and olive oil tasting.

Happily the weather gets better and better, in the weekend it was warm enough to enjoy the sun in the long beach of Barceloneta and walking around in the city. 

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